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Doubts again on class 6 and 7 exams

With partial lockdown in urban areas in Rajasthan, government and private schools upto Class IX have been closed till 19th April. These schools are scheduled to start classes VI and VII examinations from 15th April. While there are exams of Class IX and XI from 22nd April. Now, with the closure of the school, there is a doubt about the conduct of these examinations. However, the daily Bhaskar has been asked by the director of secondary education Saurabh Swamy to decide how the examinations will take place soon.

There will be examinations in the village, not in urban areas!

The examination for Classes VI and VII is scheduled to be at school level between 15th and 22nd April. Most of the government and private schools have given the examination programme to the children. have been published till the question paper. Meanwhile, with the sudden closure of schools in urban areas, these examinations are currently set to be averted in schools in the cities. Schools are not closed in rural areas. These classes will be conducted at the stipulated time.

The classes IX and XI examinations are scheduled from 22nd April to 3rd May. If the corona does not come under control by April 19, it is also difficult to conduct these examinations. It is also difficult to conduct a direct examination from April 22 after recess so many days.

The class XI examinations are
not affected at present,the experimental examinations for Class XI are scheduled from 20th April. The school of these students is regular and the examination will not be affected at present. The examination is also scheduled to be held from 20th April in schools where subjects like vocational education, life skills are being conducted. If the carona infection is not reduced, these examinations may also be affected.

Schools not closed in rural areas: Director,
Secondary Education Director Saurabh Swamy said that there will definitely be examinations. When and how will these examinations be conducted? Nothing has yet been decided, but it will be decided soon. Class VI and VII examinations are also being affected only in urban areas as schools are not closed in rural areas.

Experts’ different opinions on examinations

Giriraj Khoriwal, state coordinator of the Private Education Institute, Prosperity Alliance, says that children should be passed only after examination in both urban and rural areas. Last year also, it was directly promoted. This is adversely affecting the education of children. The examination should be delayed.

Rajasthan Teachers ‘ Association (National) State Minister Ravi Acharya says there is a provision for passing children upto 8th under RTE. Even if the children pass the test, what is the need for a test in this crisis? These children should be promoted directly like last year.

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