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Blood crisis in MB Blood Bank for the first time, 80 units used every day

blood donation

For the very first time, MB Blood Bank faces a blood crisis in winters. The bank has a capacity of 1200 units but only 161 units remain. 80 units are consumed daily.

For thalassaemia patients, only 3 units of blood is left. There are no A-B-O negative plasma for their cure. The situation has arisen because of the corona pandemic. Before this, only during winters was there a shortage of blood units in the bank.

The blood bank head Dr Sanjay Prakash said that there is no A-negative and B-negative blood for patients. Apart from this, the stock of paltelets, packed red cells, cryoprecipitator, SDP, is available for not more than two days.

The situation has worsened because during winters, less blood donation camps happen. Moreover, due to the pandemic, people do not wish to donate blood thinking they would attract infection.

The blood bank head says that there should be at least 800 units blood available in case of any sort of emergency. To save the patients, now the people of Udaipur will have to step forward and donate for a good cause.

“1 unit of blood can save 5 lives. Donating blood does not affect your immunity”, said Dr Ramesh Joshi, MBGH.

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