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Covid Update: 138 days, 9084 positive, 160 deaths


Udaipur. During the initial times, the covid patients in Udaipur were 1000 in 111 days and 13 people lost their lives. But today, the scenario has completely flipped. Udaipur witnessed 160 deaths in the past 138 days. The number is incomparable. Despite strict regulations by the authorities, people do not take things seriously.

On Saturday, 114 positive cases were found and the number of active cases has become 10088. Now, the total number of deaths also have increased to 173. The 5 days of December have seen 14 people lose their lives.

Till now, the 9451 patients recovered. The total active cases are 661, of which 474 are in home isolation and 187 serious cases are admitted in hospitals for treatments.

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