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Covid Update-127 positive on Friday

On Friday, a sample of 1289 was tested and 1162 out if the sample were found negative, 127 found positive. With this, the number of overall positive patients became 8961.

CMHO Dr Dinesh Kharadi informed that 8032 patients were discharged after recovery. Total active cases are 839. Out of these, 637 are isolated in their homes. 90 people have lost their lives due to covid.

Covid-19 incharge Dr Shankar H Bamniya told that 90 cases are from the city area, among which 6 are corona warriors, 22 close contact, 62 new cases. Likewise, from the gramin area, 37 are positive. Among these, 3 corona warriors, 12 close contact, and 22 new cases were found.

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