UDAIPUR: Heavy rain with thunderstorm hit in the city on sunday afternoon. A 55-year-old man was killed due to lighting in Madri area.
Similarly four buffaloes were also killed by lightning in Tidi area. The downpour triggered waterlogging in several parts of the city.
The lightning while crossing a bridge a Madri Road number1.
Covid-19 : School opened in Corona era despite not getting permission,notice to management
The serious accusation of opening the school during Corona period has been leveled at the management of ST. Matthews Senior Secondary School. After the management decided to open this school,many children were sitting here studying in the classroom.
Udaipur: Guideline for Unlock-4 underway in Udaipur .Approval to open schools has not been given in this guideline.Despite the management of a school in Gogunda area of Udaipur, the school was opened and classes were conducted. In the era of the Corona epidemic , this step of school management is not only playing with the health of children , but also enhancing the corona infection , which is being tried to break the chain. It is possible that with the decision of the management, the spread of corona spread more rapidly.
St . Matthews Senior Secondary School Management Notice
This serious accusation of opening the school during the Corona period has been leveled at the management of St.Matthews Senior Secondary School.At present , the Education Department has issued a notice to the school management and the block Education officer has sent the information of the entire matter to the District Education Officer. Now further action will be taken on the instructions of higher officials