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GST Collection for April 2021

GST Collection for April: Record high of Rs 1,41,383 Crore

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) Collection for April 2021 has achieved a new record. A total of Rs. 1,41,384 crore has been collected in the month of April. This is the first time since the GST has come into force, that is, from July 2017. However, in March, the collection of 1.24 lakh crore rupees was also done for the first time in a month.

14% more collection than in March

The GST collection in April has been 14% higher as compared to Rs 1.24 lakh crore in March. In fact, with the partial lockdown in April, it was anticipated that the GST collection may decline. On Friday, the SBI report said that the GST collection in the month of April could be between 1.15 and 1.20 lakh crore rupees. However, this conjecture proved to be incorrect.

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