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farmer protest

Farmer Protest updates: Agriculture minister says no law can be entirely defective

The angry and agitated farmers have rejected the government’s revised proposal that gave farmer groups the assurance on MSP and Mandi System. A farmer group announced that the blockades and protest will intensify, after rejecting the proposal.

The protests by the farmers have entered the 15th day, and the government is now making an appeal to them to call off the protests. The government is ready to explain why such amendments have been brought. Whereas the farmers still believe that the farm laws will be against their economic interests favouring big food retailers.

“Any law cannot be entirely defective. Government is ready to discuss the provisions that may adversely affect the farmers”, said Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar on being asked if Farm Laws will be repealed

The farmers have announced another Delhi Chalo march on December 14 and the protests are getting enraged. The farmers say that the Jaipur-Delhi and the Delhi-Agra highways will be blocked on Saturday.

The farmers said that there was nothing new in the government proposal and their protests will continue.

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