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stone pelting on jp nadda

Chief Minister JP Nadda’s convoy attacked in Bengal

Kolkata. BJP President JP Nadda’s convoy was stone pelted near Kolkata this afternoon. Many cars were damaged severely. Many leaders were also injured during the incident. The party alleged, accusing Mamta Banerjee government for having serious lapse in the security system.

Home Minister Amit Shah asked for a report on what he called “sponsored violence”. He also said that Bengal’s ruling Trinamool Congress would have to answer to people of the state.

A video shared online shows the state of the cars and the shattered windows. “If I have reached here for the meeting, it’s due to Ma Durga’s grace,” said Mr Nadda. The BJP has launched protests across the state.

The BJP leaders were travelling to Diamond Harbour when the attack took place in the noon. Some workers were on motorbikes and were attacked with sticks. Reports say that the attack on the BJP convoy was the result of passing an area at the same time as a Trinamool rally.

Not only leaders, but many media professionals were also harmed during the attack.

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