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new website for corona

New website developed- all information available with just one click

Amidst the deadly covid-19, Udaipur collector Mr Chetan Devda insisted the district administration develop a website that will provide all information and updates on covid-19. With this website, people of Udaipur will not face any difficulty in searching about hospitals, both government and private, that offer treatment for corona patients.

This website will facilitate patients with all required information that will help them make quick and informed decisions. Udaipur is the first district of Rajasthan to provide with such facility to its people.  

Website will include various information

The website contains links about all the hospitals that provide treatment for covid-19. People can know the number of patients in the hospital, total number of beds, ordinary beds and oxygen supported beds, ICU beds, ventilator facility, etc.

Google map for easy location

Along with the above mentioned details, the respective help desk number and Google map with the address is also available. This will make it easier for the patients to find the nearest hospital without any delay.

Complaints portal

In case of any complaint or unfulfilled needs, people can use the Rajasthan contact portal number 181. The news available on the website will be updated thrice a day.

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