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7 Day Quarantine for Passengers arriving in Delhi from UK

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has urged to ban UK flights till January 31, as the conditions are going out of hand. India has already reported more than 80 people with UK variant disease. Also, the situation in the UK is extremely serious.

Arvind Kejriwal says, “the people arriving from the UK who landed in Delhi will be quarantined for 7 days, even if they test negative for the coronavirus”.

The government has decided to start UK flights. But, due to extreme conditions in the UK, the ban would be extended to 31st January. The government has suspended flights on December 23 after looking into the matter. Also, other European countries have extended the ban.

Today, approx 250 passengers landed in Delhi. The people who tested negative are quarantined and the positive ones are separated.

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