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Corona situation under control after 1 month- 42 positive yesterday

After one month of severe situation of increasing covid patients in Udaipur, there is some relief now. In recent days, everyday almost 100 patients came out positive. Yesterday, 42 positive cases were found. The number is much less as compared to earlier cases.

Among the 42, 20 are from the city area and the rest from the gramin. 9 among these are covid warriors, 13 close contact, and 18 new patients. Two outsiders also have been found positive.

Udaipur has witnesses 10408 positive cases till now. 9855 are discharged after coming out negative. Corona has taken away the lives of 107 patients till now. Now, total active cases are 446. 273 are in home isolation and 173 are admitted in hospitals for their treatment. CMHO Dr Dinesh Kharadi said that the new infected people are less in number now.

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