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Udaipur’s seventh place in the world’s 10 Greatest Cities

Udaipur has to be named among the best cities of the world. This thing has been proved once again.

Udaipur. Udaipur has to be named among the best cities of the world. This thing has been proved once again. Udaipur has ranked 7th among the 10 best cities in the world. Udaipur has ranked in the top 10 cities of the world’s top 25 cities by the year 2020 of Travel and Leisure magazine. In this list, apart from Udaipur in Rajasthan, Jaipur is also at the 14th place. While Udaipur has 88.49 scores, Jaipur has scored 87.87.

Top 10 Cities and Scores

  1. Vahaca, Mexico – 93.54
  2. San Miguel de Sunday, Mexico-92.01
  3. Hoi An, Vietnam-90.52
  4. In Chiang, Thailand 89, 62 .
  5. Florence, Italy – 89.21
  6. Kyoto, 88.77 Japan –
  7. Udhaipur. India-88.49
  8. Luang Prabang, Laos 88.17
  9. Ubud, Indonesia – 88.16
  10. 10. Istanbul, Turkey – 88.14
Udaipur City night view

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