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Metro unlock 4-0

Unlock 4.0 Guidelines – All you need to know

  • Metro trains will be resumes from September 7.
  • Open air theater will open from 21 September.
  • Schools & College remains to shut but from September 21, ninth standard to the 12th, students can go to the schools for teacher guidance.

Unlock 4.0 – What to open

Metro Trains – Cities like Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Bengaluru wanted Metro services to start. Under Unlock 4.0, the state governments will be able to launch them from September 7.

In this, how will the journey be and what are the things to be kept in mind, for this the Ministry of Urban Development will issue a separate Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).

All kinds of religious and political programs allowed with a limit of 100 people.

On 22 March, when the public curfew was imposed, state governments across the country had banned religious, cultural, academic, sports, entertainment and political events.

Now they have been allowed to resume from September 21. Open air theaters for these will also be opened from September 21, but there are some conditions for such programs:

More than 100 people will not be able to gather in such assemblies.

Masks will be necessary for those joining the gathering.

Where such programs are taking place, it is necessary to take measures for social distancing.

Where there will be assemblies, it is necessary to provide thermal screening and hand sanitizer or hand wash facilities.

Schools and colleges remains close

Almost everyone had the same question in their mind, when will the schools and colleges open?

The guidelines said that schools, colleges, educational and coaching institutes will remain closed till 30 September. However, from September 21, exemption is being given in some cases …

50% teaching and non-teaching staff can be called in schools for online coaching and tele counseling. State governments can allow this.

Students from 9th to 12th will be able to go to school on their own wish to seek guidance from teachers. For this, they have to get written approval from their parents or guardian.

Training can be imparted in National Skill Training Institutes, Industrial Training Institutes (ITI) and Short Term Training Centers.

The National Institute for Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development will also start training at the Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship.

Higher education institutes will be open only for research scholars doing PhD. – Post graduate students of technical and professional courses who require laboratory use or experimental work will be able to go to college. The Higher Education Department will allow these to be opened after talks with the states.

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